Wednesday, October 22, 2008


First Caveat (in no particular order of priority):

Caveats are my way of listing out a bunch of things that apply to all my articles. In programming parlance it would be a header file. I guess in writing terminology it is a preface.

Second Caveat

I will respect other's political opinions as I want others to respect my opinions. (Note the similarity to the Golden Rule, that's the sixth commandment on that set of stone tablets). Just because I have arrived a certain conclusions leading me to certain convictions, leading me to certain moral and political positions, doesn't mean that everyone else has, and I respect that. If I take moral position on a subject that you are on the opposite side of, I'm not calling you immoral, I'm not judging you. This is just ideas, not a sentence from a court. If you feel judged, then you're judging yourself, I don't need to do it!

Third Caveat

I'm always working on my thoughts and ideas. My posted, published items, even one's I consider "finished," are snap shots of my thought process. They are a condensed form of the much purer, more complex, are probably more accurate model of the world that resides in the my head. There is always error in translation, and I am translating ideas from my head to the page.

Fourth Caveat

There is error inherent in my thought process, and indeed in anyone's thought process. This is because what we think of as the world is in fact a model of the world constructed in our minds through use of our senses. Models are inherently flawed, in that they interpolate and extrapolate new data using a smaller amount of observed data. You can never know what the true data is that you created, you can only at best bound the error in your model.

Fifth Caveat

My editing skills are poor. I will always strive to improve them, but this was not a subject I focused on in High School or College, relying instead on intuition (too much, always too much), and spell checking. Consistency and all the other hall marks of an excellent command of the English language are desired by me, though may often be lacking.

Piecemeal Politics

I'm just too much of a perfectionist to lay out all my ideas in one position paper, so I'm just going to start dumping it all out in little bite sized pieces. Hopefully that will keep me from becoming too wordy as well.

First Piece: CAVEATS! These are my caveats to everything else I have to say, which I can conveniently refer back to when I most need them (until I get so many that I can't remember them, or keep track of them).

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Paper says Socialism code word for Black

Original Article

David Horowitz did a good job of explaining how the communists wanted to use the race tensions in America as a wedge to help destroy the country.

The idea was to pick a cause that American culture was vulnerable on morally, and exploit it. By siding on the moral high ground and equating the cause with Socialism/Communism, they could both insulate themselves from criticism, and have a natural constituency for their movement.

Race just happened to be a convenient vehicle, and has worked fairly well for them. It's the gift that keeps on giving.

-Harald Bluetooth

Thursday, October 2, 2008

What if the Spanish Civil War came to America?

Here's an interesting hypothetical: What if you were stuck in the middle of the Spanish Civil War, with the Communists on one side, and the Fascists on the other? What would you do? Would you pick a side? Hide, and wait till it was over? Start a new faction and fight both sides? Or maybe try to flee to America?

Now, take the first scenario one step further. What if you were in America and the "Spanish" Civil War broke out around you? What would you do then?