Monday, September 29, 2008

My Letter to the McCain Campaign

Dear McCain Campaign,

I wanted to voice my opinion / concern over this Bailout Bill. Please Do NOT support this. You have got to know that D.C. is selling us down the river here. Stand up, be a Maverick, and shut this thing down. And if you don't, I think Sarah should quit right now, and not be sullied by this whole business. We should not have a bill that goes forward unless it prevents the lending practices that got us here. We (conservatives, Republicans) are willing to talk bailout but not until we are SURE that this isn't happening again. Remember the Immigration Battle? Same thing. Build the Wall first, then talk about Amnesty. My friend, this is AMNESTY and then some. I think I'd rather have the immigration bill over this.


Sunday, September 7, 2008

Crying at the Debate & A new D&D Class

A friend pointed out to me recently that she's glad she doesn't have to worry about Palin crying during the Vice Presidential debate. In fact, I think we should all be worried that Biden might start to cry.

Also, I'm creating a new D&D Class: The Palindin: A righteous warrior who will defend Sarah Palin to the last breath. :)

McCain - Palin Campaign Advice

Obama says he won't be bullied by Sarah Palin. Palin / McCain should be responding with:

"Oh, I'm sorry, am I being to harsh with you? Do you want me to back off a bit? Would that be okay dear? Well, what are you going to do when you get to OFFICE? Are you going to start whining about being bullied by Russia? You should be saying, 'I welcome this fight, because when I win, it will make my position stronger and my win that much more important.' But, you didn't say that, I said it, and now all you've said is that some mythical school yard bully is picking on you.

Come back after you've had your lunch money stolen and I'll go and beat the bully up and get it back for you."

Saturday, September 6, 2008

To Vote or Not to Vote, 2008

There’s a raging debate in conservative circles about whether we should vote in this election or not. The No Vote proponents argue that we’ve voted against our principles long enough, and it’s time to stand up for ourselves, let the other side win this one, hope that everything blows up on, and then hope that there’s anything or anyone left to pick up and put back together after they’re through (including us). I think they’re using the wrong model.

I suggest the following analogy: We’re all driving in a car, and all the voters have their hands on the wheel. There’s a bunch of crazy people pulling the wheel to try and get into the left lane, and a bunch of more rational people trying to pull the car into the right lane. Now, the conservatives are generally out there yelling that we not even on the right road. But we’re all still in the car! I’m not going to sit in the car in the back seat yelling we’re on the wrong road, while everyone else is fighting over the wheel. I’m also not going to hope that all the people fighting for the wheel pull our car into a ditch, and hope that when we fly out the windshield that I’m still alive and can crawl back to the car to turn it around. Rather, I’m going to pull that wheel as hard as I can, all the while yelling that we’re not on the right road. Eventually, we may lose the struggle and end up in the left lane, with some oncoming traffic. I’m hoping there’s time to let go of the wheel and jump out the door before it hits us.

Basically, if we can’t turn the car around, and take a different road, then we need a new car. But frankly, cars in this analogy are darned expensive and there’s not many out there. So again, while I'm in this car-of-state, I'm not going to let go of the wheel. And the moment I do, I'd better be prepared to jump out of the car.