Sunday, September 7, 2008

McCain - Palin Campaign Advice

Obama says he won't be bullied by Sarah Palin. Palin / McCain should be responding with:

"Oh, I'm sorry, am I being to harsh with you? Do you want me to back off a bit? Would that be okay dear? Well, what are you going to do when you get to OFFICE? Are you going to start whining about being bullied by Russia? You should be saying, 'I welcome this fight, because when I win, it will make my position stronger and my win that much more important.' But, you didn't say that, I said it, and now all you've said is that some mythical school yard bully is picking on you.

Come back after you've had your lunch money stolen and I'll go and beat the bully up and get it back for you."

1 comment:

Proteinstar said...

Here here!!! I totally agree. When I saw his comment, I was like "Whole crap what a baby!" Can you imagine Churchill or Teddy R. saying something like that? I mean Teddy R charges up San Juan Hill like some madman and is then our President. Now we get some milquetoast whose biggest acclaim is that he was a "community organizer". Ugh.