Friday, January 2, 2009

2008 Federal Election Position Paper

This post is a little late, a little obsolete. But, not completely so. I believe in putting things down for the record, for myself if no one else. I don't believe time ends when an election is over, so it's really not too late to put down my position on election. So, that said:

Caveats / Preface


I have decided that Socialism, whether National or International, Violent or Non-violent, is morally wrong, like Communism and Marxism in all its derivative forms. I cannot find anything in this vein of philosophy that justifies forcing the transfer of one person's blood, sweat, and treasure into the hands of another person. I cannot accept the premise that the ends justify the means. The means of all forms of socialism is stealing, which I believe to be morally wrong.

Why is it that we don't think it is okay to take things from our Neighbor to give to someone we feel is more deserving, but we do think it is okay to authorize our government to do the same? Also, why is it that we make a distinction between so-called peaceful Socialism, and its more violent cousin Communism? Can I opt out of either system? Am I allowed to refuse to contribute to either system? Will the police not come and arrest me for refusing to be stolen from, or not supporting a system that will steal from others just the same under Socialism as with Communism? Not only do the ends not justify the means, but the means do not justify the ends, when the ends are themselves morally wrong.

Socialism takes away my choice, my freedom, to give of my own accord. It assumes I am not compassionate, and forces it upon me. It takes away my own ability to decide who is deserving, who is needy, and gives that authority to, who? Is it given to some vastly greater alien intelligence, who is unaffected by the human condition? No, the authority is given to other humans, politicians who consistently demonstrate the principle that all humans are corruptible, that "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." The moniker of government does not erase their humanity, it enhances it through the addition of power and authority.

Socialism, et Al., seeks to erase a human condition through force that in fact can only be erased through the changing of people's hearts and minds.

Barack Obama is a socialist. His voting record, his associations and political alliances, and his own words all bear this out. And Joe Biden? See section II. John McCain is not a socialist, although he tolerates socialism in the interest of being bi-partisan (ick). Sarah Palin is not a socialist.


The salient point here is this: Not long after John McCain was rotting in a North Vietnamese prison cell, Joe Biden was voting to suspend all aid to South Vietnam, dooming them to slavery under Communism (and everyone else in the region not protected by a good size chunk of ocean). Also about this time, Barack Obama was being introduced to a highly regarded Communist intellectual in Hawaii.

The sheer fact that Biden and Obama were involved with undermining what McCain was fighting for and being mentored and tutored by the cause that McCain was fighting against, is enough to boil my blood and pull the lever for McCain.


See section I., Socialism.


McCain is possibly my last choice for a Presidential selection, at least on the Republican side. However, given the overt proclivities of Obama / Biden towards all things socialist, I have to make the statement against them by voting for McCain. Even then, I do not think I could do so if not for Sarah Palin. As McCain has taken her as a political hostage, I feel compelled to bargain for her political life by voting for her, even though it means voting for McCain as well.

In addition, I find myself in the position of not being able to "Not Vote," which would truly be my preference, as I do not feel I have a viable alternative. As always, I pray for the best result, and I cast my vote asking that God will bless it, and use it for his purposes.

Okay, I wrapped this up way sooner than I wanted. I just have too many other things to do! I had several other pages on Vietnam, which I guess I'll post another time. Darn the inherent slowness in converting thoughts to words on a page. Of course, I can't read all the stuff I want to as it is, so I guess that's a good thing in the end.

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